CeraSmile® in Rancho Mirage

If you have missing teeth, dentures that don’t fit correctly, or an implant bridge you’re unhappy with, CeraSmile® might be the tooth replacement you’ve been searching for. CeraSmile® offers benefits you won’t find with another tooth replacement option. Its innovative procedure process allows you to achieve a brand new smile in just one day. At Country Club Dentistry we offer our patients not only the latest procedures but ones that will help transform smiles and lives. We believe CeraSmile® is the solution for many of our patients.

General Dentistry in Palm Desert CA

If you want to learn more about CeraSmile® or find out if it’s the best dentures replacement for you, contact Dr. Strober at Country Club Dentistry in Rancho Mirage. To schedule an appointment, please call 760.832.7915 today.

Benefits of CeraSmile®

CeraSmile®’s new approach to implant bridges is rapidly becoming one of the most popular tooth replacement choices for many reasons. CeraSmile® comes with a lengthy list of benefits including the following.

  • Improved facial appearance
  • Natural-looking smile
  • Facial rejuvenation
  • Amazing functionality
  • High-quality materials
  • One-day procedure
  • Long-lasting results

When you look at all these benefits together, it’s unlikely you will find a tooth replacement option that offers so many benefits. CeraSmile®’s innovative approach to implant bridges offers the power of implant dentistry combined with cosmetic dentistry for one-of-a-kind results.

What is CeraSmile®?

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CeraSmile® is an implant bridge made with yttria-stabilized zirconia – a high-end ceramic that is stronger than titanium used in implants. The implant bridge is either fixed or removable based on your preference and our recommendation.

Most patients only require one appointment to have their CeraSmile® placed permanently.  What makes it different than other implant bridges is that it uses a gentler process to maintain more bone. The gentler process makes the procedure more comfortable while helping you maintain facial structure to help you stay looking young and more like you!

Am I a Good Candidate for CeraSmile®?

If you’re exploring tooth replacement options, skip over alternative treatments, and learn if CeraSmile® is right for you instead. Dr. Strober will show you the possibilities of replacing your missing teeth with CeraSmile® versus the alternatives.


Improve Your Smile

Unlike traditional implant bridges that are pre-fabricated, CeraSmile® is a completely custom smile made just for you. We can even create your smile to look like your old high school photo if you want to regain the smile of your youth. CeraSmile®’s customization allows every patient to achieve a beautiful smile that complements their face.

Retain Natural Bone and Look Younger

When you get CeraSmile®, it doesn’t just retain the bone in your jaw, but your entire facial structure. By retaining more natural bone, we’re able to restore your youthful facial proportions. After your procedure, you will not only achieve a youthful smile, but fewer folds, wrinkles, and less hanging skin in the neck and face.

Eat Your Favorite Foods with Confidence

CeraSmile® functions just like natural teeth. The support of the dental implants allows you to chew and take bites with as much confidence as having natural teeth. You never have to give up your favorite foods again due to tooth loss or unstable dentures.

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Enjoy Long-Lasting Durable Materials

CeraSmile® is made with high-quality materials you won’t find in other implant dentures. Not only is there a high success rate and long-lasting performance of the dental implants, but also your implant bridge itself. When you invest in CeraSmile®, you’re investing in a smile for years to come.

Get a New Smile in Just One Day

Most patients don’t require more than one visit to complete the CeraSmile® procedure. We can even extract any remaining teeth and place the implants on the same day. After we place your implants, we will provide you with a provisional bridge placement the same day. This means you will go home with a brand new smile ready to eat and smile confidently. Schedule an appointment with our implant dentist in Rancho Mirage today by calling 760.832.7915 .

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